Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing which utilises techniques inherited from ancient Buddhist teachings..

Energy from the Universe is chaneled by "laying on hands". This energy flows through us and when it is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

By channeling this energy using Reiki, blockages can be dealt with and we feel better in general.


It is not a religion, is is a safe and rewarding way to feel beter, aliviate pain, balance and heal emotionaly, physicaly and mentaly.

It also expands awareness and improves selfconfidence.


If we are able to live in a balanced and harmonious way that is in-tune with the natural world of which we are part, then our vital energy will remain balanced and even, and our bodies will generally be able to rebalance themselves when experiencing temporary challenges, such as sustaining an injury or receiving a shock. However, if our bodies become subject to excessive external challenges or internal stress (for example, if we are subject to excessive electro-magnetic pollution, live in a damp conditions or repress the flow of our natural emotions), then our energy field can become disrupted, leading to blockages or deficiencies. Physical or emotional symptoms can then result and it starts to become more difficult for the body to heal itself when facing new challenges.

Reiki is a simple method of healing which helps to rebalance the person’s vital energy and to release the related physical, mental or emotional symptoms. The therapist tunes into and channels life force energy into the client’s energy field, with the purpose of helping to heal and rebalance the person, wherever it is needed.



There is no typical session with me, but Reiki usualy takes place lying down, in confortable clothing and in a relaxing environment, with soft music and dim light, you can also sit down. I will take a short case history with some details about you that could be relevant for the healing.

I use gentle touch of my hands in the main chakras to channel the universal energy.


I work with Angels and also being of light, they sometimes might give me messages or advice for you to take home.





1h session £30


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