Numerology for Houses

I did a course on Numerology not long ago. I now use the learnt skills quite often, and it is fun. I am moving out soon and the new house is a number 7, this is couting numbers and letters in the address. Accoding to some of the information on a house 7 this is what it will be like:


"7 dwelling is quiet, calm and contemplative. Serious research and study can go on here and the miraculous can seem to be floating in the corner of the room. These homes are often surrounded by an air of mystery or historical significance and there's just "something" about them you can't forget. Deep thinkers, scientists, researchers, ministers, teachers, psychologists and philosophers seem to gravitate here and anyone who stays long will find themselves lost in thought, musings and ponderings. Spiritual people do very well here and it's also a natural abode for grandparents, although the grandchildren will probably want to play outside most of the time. This home can feel very comforting and peaceful to the visitor but unless you are comfortable with so much quiet, it could feel lonely here for the single person or the young family. 

Good luck colors for this home are: Lavender, Purple, Violet and deep greens and browns. Dark woods and rich, deep colors assist in the 7 tendency towards "going within"


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Comments: 3
  • #1

    Seth (Friday, 28 October 2011 01:59)

    Hm, I’m just comfortable with this but still not entirely convinced, hence i’m going to research a touch more.

  • #2

    Lukas (Tuesday, 03 April 2012 19:17)

    Fine info dude

  • #3

    Masticating Juicer (Tuesday, 16 April 2013 03:42)

    This article was precisely what I had been trying to find!

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